About You and Me

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You are committed to hiring and retaining female talent, not only to promote diversity, equity and inclusion, but also drive change and innovation in your organisation. But many women on your teams are frustrated. They do not move into more senior roles as quickly as their male colleagues. And they either disengage and start coasting or they pack their things and leave to find opportunities elsewhere. Either way, you lose female talent.

In the “Women in the Workplace” study run by McKinsey researchers discovered that the biggest obstacle that keeps women from advancing in their careers is what they called the “broken rung”. That’s the first step up from entry-level position to manager. For every 100 men promoted and hired to manager, only 72 women are promoted and hired.

This broken rung ends up holding women back for the rest of their careers.

The problem is that many smart women in your organisation often keep a low profile hoping that their work will speak for itself. We all know how that ends.

Their talent doesn’t get recognised, they’re interrupted in meetings, and their ideas get hijacked by others. No wonder that during performance reviews, they often hear: “Well, your performance is admirable but… you don’t have a strong enough leadership presence.” Yet, nobody tells them exactly what it is and how to achieve it.

I’m Gosia Syta, owner and founder of the communication skills consultancy, Walk Your Talk. Using the latest research in social psychology, I show emerging female leaders how to develop leadership presence that is confident, authentic, and effective in all business situations so they are seen as "leadership material" and get promoted to more senior roles.

I have worked with corporate clients, including BP, Dentons, Thomson Reuters, and Ticketmaster, as well as government bodies, helping their staff to be seen, heard, and rewarded for their work, thereby increasing employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention rates.

Using my Leadership Presence Blueprint, I will teach your female team members how to show leadership in both what they say and how they say it.

After my session, participants will have tools and techniques that allow them to:

- Express themselves confidently in high stakes situations.
- Command other people’s attention in meetings, presentations, and sales pitches.
- Respond to tough questions in meetings and Q&A sessions.
- Gain the confidence and competence to engage in self promotion.

In my seminars, I deliver high-impact, interactive, hands-on experience that shows women how to create leadership presence that gets their superiors to notice their achievements, take them seriously, and promote them into more senior roles.

If you would like to empower women on your team to move into to leadership positions, get in touch. Message me on LinkedIn, call me at (+44) (0)7403 130 138 or email me at gosia@timetowalkyourtalk.com.

Let’s fix that broken rung!

What People Are Saying


This was a great session, Gosia! Many thanks for all the time you put into adapting your content to our needs. My team members have put your tips into practice in their presentations. Very positive and engaging!

— EMILY W., head of L&D, global law firm

Gosia is simply amazing and attending her workshop gave me the courage and skills to get into tech talks and workshops. She empowers women to achieve their goals and reach their potential!

— ANNEKA S., participant of the Women of the Silicon Roundabout conference


Gosia was an absolute pleasure to work with! The content was incredible - thought-provoking and unique, an incredibly hard task these days when there is so much information available on body language and confidence building. The workshop Gosia ran was packed to the rim and the feedback has been excellent!

— MICHAELLA J., events organiser

Excellent event at Barclays headquarters in London. There were 50 people in attendance and the feedback was stellar on the workshop Gosia led for the first time at Barclays. The audience took away a new found awareness on the impact of body language not just during public speaking but in every conversation. Going forward each person is able to be a more effective and confident communicator thanks to Gosia. She definitely Walks The Talk!


Let’s fix that broken rung that holds women back throughout their careers

Let’s talk!

If you would like to equip your female talent with the right skills to regain the “out-of-the-house confidence” and get into leadership in the post-pandemic time, get in touch.